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5 Tips On Wall Decor From The Top Wall Art Supplier In India

Walls are the most neglected part of your home. Yet they are the canvas that you can use to express your personality and style. If you have a blank wall that you want to decorate, you can use some of these ideas to make your wall more interesting.

Talking about wall decor, Luxury Handicraft Art, the leading wall art supplier in India says, “Wall art is an essential part of every interior. It can make your home feel more welcoming and add a personal touch to your space.” But homeowners are often confused what to buy, and where to buy quality wall art & frames. Even if you find amazing art works and elegant frames, how do you design it in a way that looks beautiful and is functional?

We have put together this simple guide to help you decorate your walls with picture frames and art frames that are stylish and classy.

Choose A Theme

choose a theme

If you don’t have any art on your walls, start with a theme. Whether you’re looking for a modern or traditional look, there’s a frame for you. Say you want a modern look – go for traditional frames. Maybe you want to go with a coastal or nature theme. If you’re looking for something a little more contemporary, go for modern frames. If you want something that’s both modern and rustic, go for a mixed media frame.

Once you have narrowed down your theme, you can start shopping for frames from some of the best wall art frames supplier in India.

Choose The Right Frame

choose the right frame

Now you have a theme, choose the right frame. Frames are available in different materials, finishes, sizes, and shapes. For example, a frame that has a wooden frame and a glass front is a good choice for a modern theme. Likewise, an antique frame goes well with an old-fashioned theme.

Browse through the largest collection of wall art frames from Luxury Handicraft Art, the No.1 wall art decor supplier in India.

Art Work Or Photos?

art work of photos

Whether you want to hang art works or family photos, you need to choose based on the room. For a formal or more traditional room, go with art works. For a more contemporary or modern room, go with family photos.

If you want to hang art works, choose frames that match your theme. If you want to hang photos, choose frames that are comfortable and will look good with your family photos. As a reputed wall art supplier in India, we have helped hundreds of homeowners create their art wall with ease and finesse. Talk to our team to design your wall art too!

How To Hang The Wall Arts?

how to hang the wall art

Now that you have the perfect frame, it’s time to hang your wall art. There are a few things to keep in mind when hanging your artwork. First, make sure the artwork is hung at eye level. Second, make sure the artwork is hung evenly.

You can either put it up in a linear design or get creative and do a collage style art wall. If you want to go the linear route, start by finding the center of your wall and working your way out.

Using a trusted wall art frames supplier in India like Luxury Handicraft Art can make your decorating process a lot easier. With an amazing collection of frames and art works to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect piece for your wall.

Hooks or Nails?

hooks and nails

Another important decision is whether you want to drill some nails or use some super-strong adhesive hooks. Adhesive hooks are a great option as you get some that are designed to be used with drywall, without damaging them. They are easily removable so you can redesign your walls every few months. If you think the wall art is going to be a permanent fixture, you can go with nailing them in place. Find the right sized nail and a good hammer to do the job easily. Mark the wall with a pencil first and check if the placement is right.

When you shop with experienced wall art suppliers in India, like Luxury Handicraft Art, you are assured of a wide variety of options and a great price. Our expert team has decades of experience helping homeowners decorate their homes with the right wall art. They will be glad to guide you in creating a bespoke, artistic wall in your home, making it a focal point of beauty and elegance.

At Luxury Handicraft Art, we take client satisfaction seriously and strive to create products that echo with their own personal style. Our totally customizable work style has made us the preferred wall art frames suppliers in India.

Pick up your phone and call us today to start designing that perfect wall art for your home!